We don't have an Academy Neighborhood Association meeting coming up until later in spring so I'd like to have a little bit of a public discussion of the event using this blog and our neighborhood facebook page.
Basically, any group or organization can create an "event" as part of the Great American Cleanup of Pennsylvania, on any date between March 1st to May 31st. Here is a link to learn more about the Great American Cleanup of PA. As a registered event, you are given bags, gloves, and vests to use during the cleanup, free of charge. Additionally, any group involved is given help with promoting their event.
I just need a little input from basically anyone who reads this and cares about our neighborhood to help me decide which date to register the cleanup. I figure we have a few options...
Saturday, May 3rd
Saturday, May 10th
or Saturday, May 17th
It doesn't seem like a good idea to schedule the cleanup on Saturday, May 24th, as that is Labor Day weekend. Also, April seems a bit soon to organize this effort and the weather is still dicey in April. (It may be dicey in May as well, but the odds of having good weather are usually starting to improve.)
After a date is set, we would need to have "block leaders" willing to lead cleanup on a certain block or street. I would volunteer to lead the cleanup on East 30th Street, although I may be tired of looking at some of the garbage East 30th by then! I think the main responsibilities of anyone involved would be to basically lead a garbage pick-up, up and down both sides of the street, and take note of any more serious problems. Those problems could be reported to the city, and hopefully the complaint would carry a little more weight coming from our group as opposed to just one individual.
The cleanup would be right before the neighborhood yard sale, Saturday, June 7th.
So let me know what you think of the dates listed above. You can contact me via email at academy.neighborhood.erie@gmail.com or by message through the Academy Neighborhood Association facebook page. click here!
I'll read everyone's responses and decide on a date by Wednesday. That way we can get our event registered.
One more thing: DONUTS! If enough people are interested we'll get coffee and donuts from Mighty Fine!
Thank you for being involved.
Bob Hand - Academy Neighborhood Association
Please take this Baker's Field usage survey by clicking here: Baker's Field Survey
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