The first ever Baker's Field Clean-up day was a big success. Quite a few of our neighbors showed up the morning of August 3rd to help with the effort. Big thanks to Janina, Chris, Keegan, Sue, Michelle, and several others (who arrived after I left) who were there that morning.
Of course we didn't finish everything we had set out to do but a lot of work was done around the baseball practice facility. Most of the overgrowth around the fence was removed. Additionally, three bags of garbage were removed from the field, and the area around the stone was very lightly landscaped.
Perhaps the most important result of our efforts that morning was the publicity the clean-up received. WICU reporter John Last stopped by the field and the report he filed was in-depth and accurate. Here is a link to the news story, it's about 2 minutes long and definitely worth watching.
WICU News Story about Baker's Field Clean-up - August 3, 2013
Basically I feel like we "started the ball rolling" on Saturday. More great developments at Baker's Field are on the way!
We really did have a fun time. Here Sue and Keegan are bagging branches that were removed from the fence around the baseball facility.
Sue and Michelle with more trees and branches.
Chris and his good friend the saw.
Janina and Keegan teaming up against the trees that had grown through the fence and the baseball nets inside the practice area.
Sue picking up one of the many piles of branches.
Bob (me), Sue, and Keegan. If you look along the base of the fence you can see where the fence is bent upwards. Kids often climb under the fence to gain access to the baseball practice area.
Once again, thanks to everyone who came out and made this event a success. Thank you Michelle for sharing some of your pictures of the event. Let's keep working to make this part of our neighborhood the well maintained facility it deserves to be!