If you are reading this you probably received a small advertisement for the Academy Neighborhood Yard/Garage Sale on June 9th. I spent the morning passing those out, placing them on people's porches. Walking the neighborhood so early in the morning reminded me of my days as a paperboy! It also gave me a fresh view of the hundreds of nice homes in the Academy Neighborhood.
So I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Bob and I live on East 30th Street. I am a proud homeowner. I recently participated in the Erie Citizen Planning Academy, which was organized to try to get local residents involved in neighborhood revitalization. I had also been involved in our neighborhood's attempt (a few years ago) to form and maintain a neighborhood watch group. That group fizzled out but I learned something from my involvement with the group: There are many people who want to be more involved in their neighborhood.
So I decided to start this group, The Academy Neighborhood Association. My first goal was to organize a neighborhood yard sale. Glenwood has one, Frontier has one, why can't we? My next goal is to have an Academy Neighborhood meeting. I'm working on a time and place. From there we will decide as a group what our goals are going to be. I have a number of ideas and I'm sure you do to. Most immediately, our neighborhood needs some attention from the city. Our streets need to be paved and our street lights need to be fixed on a regular basis. These are the complaints I hear first from most people.
Thank you for getting involved! I'll keep you updated through this blog and through our facebook page.